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Box Bouquet

  • The nicest gift bouquets! A tied bouquet of gorgeous florals sat in a bubble of water and hand tied bag looking perfectly pretty, ready to make someones day. Box always tied with a gorgeous ribbon bow, Florals normally arranged in a front facing design to use every flower to its full potential.

    Add your card message at Check out!

  • Florals are created from a different lush combo of flowers and foliage each week so will differ slightly from the photos but the overall Smell the Roses look will be the same! Our bunches are created in a Pick & Mix style, always including a variety of roses, a selection of country inspired stems along with a lush mix of scented foliage, we also add touches of dried elements in our fresh designs to make them super beaut and interesting! We love creating a bundle of floral magic with every bouque

our valentines special this year is called 'wild romance' & will have a limited edition packaging!
collect any of our valentines designs from 12th feb from our hq or we can deliver locally! 


please give 3 working days notice for all orders

 we OFFER a local delivery service of our fresh gift bouquets! 

flowers will be delivered between the hours of 10am - 4pm on the delivery day you have requested.

fareham - wickham - botley - gosport - porchester - lee - park gate - whiteley - £7.99 per delivery
portsmouth - waterlooville - havant - coshom - eastleigh - hedge end - swanick - hamble £11.99 per delivery

Local Delivery

our titchfield hq is where we make all the flower magic & you can order to collect from us here!


& contact details when ordering

- for normal orders we will contact you to arrange collection

for valentines orders we are open from 10am - 4pm on the 12th. 13th & 14th of feb - let us know your chosen collection date on order & we will have it waiting for you.

Unit 20, Bridge Works, Fontley Rd, Titchfield, PO156QZ


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PLEASE NOTE OUR PRODUCTS ARE ALL HAND MADE FROM NATURAL MATERIALS, WE TRY TO GIVE AN ACCURATE DESCRIPTION however sometimes colour & design may vary slightly as we are using natural products that can change throughout the year. we may also need to use alternative flowers that are as close as possible to the ones pictured if we are unable to source the exact stems.

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